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What You Need to Know

Serious Mental Illness, otherwise called more accurately, Serious Brain Disease, has a huge impact on individuals so afflicted, their families, and the greater community. The ineffectiveness of what passes as a “mental health system” is no surprise to those who live in the trenches. Who lives in the trenches? Aside from the homeless and those incarcerated for crimes committed while in the throes of untreated brain disease, adult children still under the care of their families, spouses/parents/grandparents who need additional care and may not be participating in family relationships, professionals, and those who lives are directly impacted by someone with a serious brain disease, us, we are in the trenches. The picture is rather bleak as there are few options for managing the so-called mental health crisis that our country faces.

Grow a Strong Family has increased the tools in managing the trauma from having lived with unstable serious mental illness. Between the free resources and the coaching services, and the monthly discussions,

Your monthly donation means that Grow a Strong Family carries on the work of filling the void left by a broken system that consistently ignores those affected by serious brain disorders and their families.